About Fair

The Coimbatore shopping festival (CSF 2021) is the biggest shopping fest in Tamil Nadu. Here we provide an opportunity for buyers and sellers to meet face to face where products can be demonstrated, handled, and purchased on the rite site. CSF 2021 brings you the entire market to CODISSA trade fair complex which is spread out on more than 2 lakh sq.km. The motive of CSF is to give its audience an unforgettable shopping experience under one roof during the best holiday season of the year.

CSF features entertainment events like

•    Music Festival
•    Food Festival
•    Fashion Shows
•    Product Launches
•    Competitions and more exciting events

The events are planned in a way that not only provides shoppers with more than a great shopping experience and a reason to stay at our show all day in huge numbers. CSF will help you give your family the loveliest smiletowards the end of the passing year and the start of the year to come.